Career Guidance

University of the Witwatersrand

Career Questionnaire

The Career Questionnaire will help you to make an informed career decision by asking you questions about what you like to do.
Take the questionnaire

Fees & Funding

This section provides information about University tuition fees and funding sources such as scholarships and financial assistance.

Campus Life

At Wits we know that there’s more to university life than just study. Find a platform to express your talents and find new friendships in a community rich in heritage and social interaction.


At Wits, our residences are LIVING and LEARNING centres. We offer a wide variety of residence accommodation, ranging from single-gender residences, catering residence, to mixed-gender residences.

Apply to Wits

The Student Enrolment Centre (SEnC) is here to help you. Our consultants are able to provide information and offer advice about academic applications, accommodation, sport and other bursaries, career education, curriculum planning and selection test information.

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