Organisation and Work Study Officer

In order to ensure increased productivity in an organization, organization and work study officers analyze and improve the various factors that influence people in their working environment.

These factors can include the structure policy and procedures of the organisation, systems and methods being used, the environment, facilities and aids. They do extensive research into current labour practices and then submit reports to management with specific recommendations with regard to the elimination of waste, increase in productivity or where costs could be saved.

The work is quite varied and can include acting as facilitator in various stances, determining the need for additional office equipment, introducing better administrative systems, such as filing or retrieving information, determining staff needs, implementing incentive schemes, simplifying or improving work procedures and determining requirements that would improve the general productivity.

Organisation and work study officers usually work in clean, pleasant and comfortable office environments. However, because all the areas and departments of the organisation need to be analysed, they are not desk-bound.

Personal Requirements

  • good communicator, in both speech and writing
  • excellent interpersonal relations
  • patient, original and objective
  • enthusiastic and inquisitive
  • able to persevere
  • tactful, able to inspire confidence

How to Enter

Schooling & School Subjects

  • National Senior Certificate meeting degree requirements for a degree course
  • National Senior Certificate meeting diploma requirements for a diploma course
Each institution has its own entry requirements.

What to Study

Degree: A BSc, BCom, BAdmin or a BA degree offers good background training for someone interested in this career, but does not fully equip one to work in this field. Exposure to and experience of a work situation is recommended.

Diploma:The N.Dip. Organisation and Work Study / Management Services which takes 3 years to complete, is offered in 3 fields of specialisation namely factories, offices and public service. The following universities of technology offer the respective fields:

N.Dip: Management Services - UNISA
N.Dip: Production Management - TUT


  • any private organisation
  • local authorities
  • government and quasi-government organisations
  • provincial administrations

Further Information

Contact any of the above training institutions.

The SA Institute of Management Services
The Secretary
P O Box 693
Pretoria, 0001
Tel: (079) 497-9183

Getting Started

  • join your school’s debating team
  • gain more confidence in front of people
  • arrange to speak to an organisation and work study officer about this type of career

Programmes by Study Institutions

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